TripleClaim Game Collective Indiegogo Campaign is starting Monday. We wish to share with you our pitch video made specially for the campaign.
We love it and hope you will to.
The 15th of May passed and the Indies Crash E3 contest is closed for voting. From over 330 game development studios TripleClaim Game Collective is fifth and that is something unexpected and amazing for a little start-up studio. We will get passes for E3 and we are hoping to find financial means to get there.
This has been amazing experience, thank you so much to all of you who voted and supported us to all friends, web portals, TV stations, blogs, websites, forums, forum users who published story about us, supported us and helped us to spread the word, we are in your debt.
We will keep you posted on what is gonna happen next, will we be able to gather funds to go to E3 and we will get back to you with official info after we get contacted by the contest organizers.
Thank you once more, keep your eyes on us there are plenty more wonderful things to come very soon.
Yours truly
TripleClaim Game Collective
We have been nominated as a part of Indies crash E3 so give us your vote and help us crash E3:)
You can vote here!
Official trailer for Bananaz in Space is complete and we want to present it to you.
Along side triple claim we want to say thanks to:
Slaven Istuk for motion graphics & editing
Lejla Dzambazov for making Music theme.
This video is showing rig on Forest Monkey one of the characters from J.D Zetz The Banana Conspiracy
Just a little of Game play and game mechanics behind the scenes.